"Rescuing a Chalk Stream: The Chalgrove Brook," is a captivating short documentary film by Nicola Schafer brought to you by the River Thame Conservation Trust in collaboration with the Watlington Climate Action Group.
Join us on this remarkable journey as we dive into the heart of one of the rare chalk streams within the Thame catchment, celebrating its unique beauty and uncovering the collective efforts to preserve and protect it.
The Chalgrove Brook film takes you on an immersive exploration of a hidden gem nestled within the rolling hills above Watlington.
Experience the magic of this extraordinary habitat that sustains a diverse array of wildlife and discover the historical significance it holds for the settlements that have thrived along its banks.
However, this delicate ecosystem faces an array of challenges from all sides.
From pollution to habitat degradation, the film uncovers the critical issues jeopardising the stream's survival and the ripple effects it could have on the surrounding environment.
But amidst these challenges, there is hope.
Witness the power of community action and environmental stewardship as we showcase the extraordinary efforts made by the communities along the Chalgrove Brook. Learn about the innovative restoration projects, inspiring conservation initiatives, and tireless dedication to safeguarding this invaluable chalk stream.
Together, we can make a difference. Join us in our mission to restore and protect the Chalgrove Brook and ensure the longevity of this extraordinary ecosystem.
Through collective action and a shared vision, we can create a brighter future for our rivers, our communities, and the generations to come.
Our Funders: Oxfordshire County Council, Doris Field Trust, Cobb Charity, HDH Wills Charitable Trust, Magic Little Grants, Watlington Parish Council
Our Partners: Watlington Climate Action Group, Icknield Community College, Watlington Environment Group, Wild Trout Trust, Chilterns Society, Freshwater Habitats Trust, Wild Oxfordshire, Chilterns Conservation Board
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