Contact Us

We would love to hear from you if you would like to get involved in volunteering, have questions about the Trust or just want to learn more about your river.

Fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

River Thame Conservation Trust
Unit 16, Wheatley Business Centre, Old London Road, Wheatley, OX33 1XW

If you observe signs of sewage, please call Thames Water and the Environment Agency so they can attend the scene as soon as possible to resolve the issue. Always ask for a reference number from both organisations to help track incidents.

Thames Water: 0800 316 9800
Environment Agency: 0800 80 70 60

If you see any dead fish or any fish in distress, please also contact the Environment Agency hotline above.

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Our newsletter is released on a quarterly basis and covers all the latest watery related news happening in the catchment.

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We will hold your data in accordance with GDPR law and data will never be passed onto a third party without your prior permission.

Read past issues of our newsletter here.